For decades, democracies around the world have been under siege amid a rising tide of authoritarianism and populism. Vladimir Putin’s world appeared to be the wave of the future with autocracy gaining ground in Europe, Latin America, Africa, and Asia.
And then Russia invaded Ukraine. Scenes of Ukrainians fighting and dying to defend their fragile democracy from a larger authoritarian neighbor have strongly resonated, at least in the Western world.
So was Russia’s war in Ukraine – and Ukraine’s thus far successful defense of itself – the beginning of a turning point? Is the wave of recent democratic decline about to reverse itself?
On The Power Vertical Podcast this week, host Brian Whitmore speaks with Max Bergmann, director of the Europe and Russia Program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies; Jonathan Katz, a senior fellow and director of democracy initiatives at the German Marshall Fund of the United States; and Josh Rudolph, the Fellow for Malign Finance at the German Marshall Fund’s Alliance for Securing Democracy. Enjoy…
The audio clips opening each segment of the podcast were from Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s speech on January 10.
The translations are as follows:
“The free world has everything necessary to stop Russian aggression and bring the terrorist state to a historic defeat. And it is important not only for us. It is important for global democracy, for all those who value freedom. It is even more important now, when Russia is gathering forces for another escalation.”
“Together with our partners, we must do – and we are doing! – everything to make it clear to Russia’s masters that no escalation will help them. The defeat of the Russian aggression must remain unalterable, no matter who and what Russia tries to throw into the battle.”
Max Bergmann’s work at the Center for Strategic and International Studies can be accessed here.
Jonathan Katz’s work at the German Marshall Fund of the United States can be accessed here.
Josh Rodolph’s work at the German Marshall Fund’s Alliance for Securing Democracy can be accessed here.
The article Brian Whitmore referenced at the beginning of the second segment on how Russia’s war against Ukraine is diminishing Moscow’s ability to project power can be accessed here.