It was the day Moscow’s dreams of empire ended up costing European lives. It was the day the Kremlin lost its last vestiges of credibility. And it was the day when it became impossible to continue even pretending that Vladimir Putin’s regime was anything close to respectable.

It was the day the mask came off. July 17, 2014 was the day Russia became a rogue state.

The downing of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17 ten years ago this month killed 298 people from 10 countries and four continents, including 80 children. The Netherlands alone lost 193 people, the largest single-day Dutch loss of life since World War II.

A decade ago, Putin’s Russia had its Lockerbie moment. On The Power Vertical Podcast this week, host Brian Whitmore speaks to James Sherr and Michael Weiss to look back at Russia’s descent into being a rogue state, what it means, and how the West should respond.


Michael Weiss’ work at Yahoo! News can be accessed here and his work for The Insider can be accessed here.

James Sherr’s published work can be accessed here and here.
The Power Vertical Newsletter on Substack can be accessed here. Recently published work by Brian Whitmore can be accessed here and here.

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