“O nas, bez nas” is an expression in the Czech, Slovak, and Polish languages that means: “about us, without us.” Continue reading
“O nas, bez nas” is an expression in the Czech, Slovak, and Polish languages that means: “about us, without us.” Continue reading
In Moscow they have a name for what we’ve been witnessing for the past two tumultuous months. They call it: “The Putinization of global politics.” This goes beyond policy gains … Continue reading
From the moment the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, there is a strong case to be made that the United States and its allies made the same mistake again and … Continue reading
Back in December, I was attending a conference in Hannover, Germany on Ukraine and European Security. Addressing my hosts, I said the following to my European friends and colleagues: “I’ve got some bad news, some good news, and some more bad news. The bad news is that it is probably 1941. The good news is that this time you get to be the Americans. But the other bad news is that this time you probably have to be the Americans.” Continue reading
U.S. President Donald Trump speaks by telephone with Kremlin leader Vladimir Putin amid fears that the two will cut a deal at Ukraine’s expense. At a NATO ministerial, U.S. Defense … Continue reading
From Kyiv to Chisinau to Tbilisi and beyond, civil society activists in the former Soviet space have been bolstered for decades by assistance from the United States in their quest … Continue reading
Just beneath the surface of Russia’s war against Ukraine and its Cold War-style showdown with the West, Moscow has been locked in another less-noticed geopolitical battle — with Turkey. And it is a battle that Russia is clearly losing. Continue reading
Throughout nearly three years of war and in the face of unprecedented Western sanctions, Russia’s economy has seemed surprisingly resilient – at least on the surface. Continue reading
He had been Vladimir Putin’s “son of a bitch” in the Middle East for nearly a decade. Today he is just the latest in a growing list of ousted autocrats living in exile in Moscow. Continue reading
One month ago, the day after the US presidential election, Vladimir Putin delivered what can only be described as a victory speech. Continue reading