Putin’s partner in war crimes

The axis of autocrats in Eastern Europe is also an axis of war criminals. Continue reading
The axis of autocrats in Eastern Europe is also an axis of war criminals. Continue reading
Vladimir Putin will travel next week to one of the only countries in Europe where he is still welcome in order to meet with one of his few remaining international allies. Continue reading
With war raging in Ukraine’s east and south, there are mounting concerns that the threat to the country’s north and west, including the capital Kyiv, could soon return. Continue reading
The axis of autocrats in Eastern Europe is also an axis of war criminals.
Russian air and missile strikes from Belarusian territory and airspace hit a Ukrainian kindergarten and an apartment complex on June 25. The attacks killed a 37-year-old man and injured his wife and seven-year-old daughter. Additionally, according to Ukraine’s northern military command, at least 20 rockets launched from Belarus struck the village of Desna, 70 kilometers north of Kyiv in the Chernihiv region. Continue reading
the famously mercurial Lukashenka, of course, the bar for what constitutes erratic behavior and over-the-top contradictory rhetoric has always been exceedingly high. But in recent weeks, he seems to be clearing it with ease. Continue reading
Lukashenka’s autocratic regime has decided to take off the gloves when dealing with Belarusian citizens. Continue reading
When Vladimir Putin and Alyaksandr Lukashenka met at a space launch facility in the Russian Far East on April 12, the carefully choreographed press conference was full of the predictable agitprop, lies, and disinformation. Continue reading
Declaring that “now we must all make our choice,” Tsihanouskaya told Belarusian soldiers who were deployed to Ukraine “do not follow illegal orders. Change sides and join the Ukrainian troops.” Continue reading
As 2021 draws to a close, a new Iron Curtain appears to be descending upon Eastern Europe. Continue reading
As Russia continues to mount tens of thousands of troops on the Ukrainian border, Vladimir Putin says he is seeking a binding commitment from the United States that Ukraine will never become a NATO member. Continue reading